We recommend this app for the upper grades: Intermediate School through College. This virtual dissection gives students an experience-like feel of an actual live dissection, formaldehyde free, without the mess of a wet lab.

We have watched this app update and make huge improvements along the way. As for constructive criticism: the use of some unusual vocabulary, the mis-spelling of leopard frog as leapard, and some grammatical errors. We feel that they have done a wonderful job. From what we've read Subject Matter Experts (SME) were involved in taking this frog dissection app from its conceptualization to its final execution. There are step-by-step instructions read aloud, detailed labeling, and 3D views of the organs which give an extremely real feel to this virtual dissection. This iPad app lets you dissect a frog using instruments – pins, scalpel, scissors, marker, and forceps. This is every teacher's dream, to inspire independent learning and see students strive to do better!

When they didn't score what they considered well enough, they went back and went through the dissection process again to raise their quiz score. There's a mix of multiple choice questions, drag and drop labeling, and sequential activities. Students also loved the quiz and commented on how it was not your standard format. The added benefit of learning about each organ had just the right amount of text and they did spend time on these pages (though some of the vocabulary was verbose). They worked in pairs and had no trouble taking turns. Being digital natives they were very comfortable with the tool and explored every crevice possible. The students had their own take on this app. They also felt that definitions for some terms would be helpful, even needed: i.e. They did have a few suggestions that could make this app even better: More videos, more quizzes, and more quiz questions. The quizzes after the dissection are great, being able to see scores on quizzes is important, immediate feedback. For schools that have stopped doing dissection activities because of budget cuts or other. Click here to get started on virtually dissecting a frog. Using the mouse visitors virtually dissect a frog by selecting the appropriate pins, scalpel, or scissors. Really like the additional information on the various internal organ system. The virtual frog dissection activity walks users through the process of frog dissection. We asked three science teachers and a group of students to try this app out and here is what the science teachers had to say: Love the graphics and animations! The ease of use is terrific! Instructions on lab technique are great. Many students struggle with a real dissection, often mangling the specimen and the whole experience can be a turnoff to some. On the virtual frog dissection, what organ was removed fourth 18. A clever concept for the iPad a tool that may do a better job teaching than the actual hands on experience. Frog Dissection, by Emantras Inc, is a virtual frog dissection app that is scientifically accurate.